Acai berry which may help the human body nutritionally to have a strong immune system and promote healthy cell growth. The extract of fruits contained in this unique product helps protect the body from cell damaging free radicals. The natural antioxidants provide a strong immune system, thus supporting in fighting against diseases. Moreover, Keva Acai has no Artificial Flavor or Sweetener, No Sugar, No Milk, No Lactose, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast and is Sodium Free. It also helps to improve the general health of the entire body by removing harmful toxins. Blood circulation is improved when the toxins are removed. Improved blood circulation eventually leads to slowing down of the aging process. Skin will look healthier, and cholesterol levels are regulated. The heart, which is one of the most important muscles in the human body, also starts to become stronger. If the body is currently suffering from any physical injuries, the improved blood circulation and the strong heart will certainly help speed up the healing process. The Acai berry fruit has been used for hundreds of years in the rain forests of South America with tribal men well aware of their benefits. This has been used for tremendous ailments by the Americans. To achieve a variety of health benefits